
TikTok Skincare Trends: Helpful or Harmful?

You don’t have to be on TikTok to know that it’s the current epicenter for new trends, especially when it comes to skincare and beauty. It seems like every week there’s a new product or skincare hack going viral.

As a professional in the beauty industry, your clients may look to you for guidance on these supposed skincare miracles. To help you out, we put together a list of some of the current TikTok skincare trends that are worth the hype and a few to avoid.

TikTok Trends to Try

Ice Rolling

This trend is definitely one that lives up to the hype. Whether you stayed up too late or had one too many cocktails, ice rolling can help decrease puffiness and reduce inflammation. The cool temperature causes blood vessels in the face to dilate, which increases circulation and blood flow.

Just remember to use the appropriate tools (so you don’t end up with ice burn) and properly clean your ice roller to prevent bacteria from building up.


One of the most popular TikTok skincare trends, slugging is the process of “sealing” the skin overnight with petroleum jelly (like Vaseline) or another intensive moisturizer to provide extra hydration. While most experts agree that slugging is safe, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed beforehand to avoid clogging pores with dirt or bacteria.

Slugging is not a good idea after the use of retinol products because the petroleum jelly locks in and intensifies the effect of the retinol. This can cause unwanted irritation.

Hydrocolloid Patches for Pimples

Hydrocolloid is a moisture-absorbing substance typically used for healing wounds. The popular “pimple patches” are small circles of a gel-like material that are applied to a pimple like a sticker. It’s basically a bandaid for your zit. Some patches also contain acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid or tea tree oil.

These patches are great for healing an active pimple. Not only does it help reduce the blemish, but it prevents the urge to pick, pop, or touch the pimple which can make it worse. Experts caution against using over large areas of the face (as seen often on TikTok) because of the irritation it can cause, especially for those who suffer from cystic acne. 

Gua Sha (aka jade scraping)

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese tradition that involves gently scraping a flat jade or rose quartz stone over the skin to stimulate circulation and invigorate the muscles. The TikTok version of this trend is mostly focused on the face and neck.

The practice of Gua Sha can decrease inflammation, sculpt the facial muscles, and help with lymphatic drainage, all of which contribute to common complaints like sagging jowls or a double chin. 

While Gua Sha can be very beneficial with relatively little side effects, it’s important to use gentle pressure and to use a facial oil or serum to help with technique. This is something you could teach your clients to do or offer as a special bonus to existing facial treatments.

TikTok Skincare Trends to Avoid

DIY Injections

While there are countless TikTok videos demonstrating do-it-yourself injectables and fillers, as a professional, you already know this is dangerous territory. If a client asks your opinion, you can remind them that it’s hard to be sure that the ingredients themselves are safe when purchased online. Also, permanent damage can be done with inexperienced application.

Injectables and fillers are best left to the professionals.

Microneedling Foundation

The popularity of microblading and permanent lip tinting has led to a rise in interest about other forms of permanent or semi-permanent makeup. TikTok has given rise to a trend of DIY microneedling foundation. While it might seem harmless, the risks are significant.

For one, most foundations contain preservatives and ingredients that aren’t meant to penetrate the skin and can cause irritation. Second is the risk of using tools that haven’t been properly sanitized, leading to breakouts and even infection.

If you have clients interested in semi-permanent foundation, you can suggest a BB Glow treatment. The products are designed to be safely deposited in the skin and the procedure is performed by a licensed professional.

Sunscreen Contouring

A newer trend, TikTok will certainly see more interest in sunscreen contouring as we get closer to summer. The idea is to selectively apply sunscreen so that certain areas of the face get more sun exposure, resulting in a naturally contoured look.

The danger here is obvious. Skin cancer is on the rise and purposely avoiding sunscreen on parts of the face leaves the skin unprotected against the sun’s harmful UV rays. While the immediate result might be tanned contours, the long term risk is sun damage and heightened risk of skin cancer.

Make sure your clients know that this trend should be a no-go. Daily SPF use not only provides protection from skin cancer, but reduces premature aging and keeps the skin looking healthy and youthful.

The Bottom Line

While some TikTok trends are pretty harmless, others can be risky or downright dangerous. As a trusted source of information and expertise in skincare, you have the opportunity to guide your clients to make smart decisions about which trends to follow.