
Toss Mass Produced Content For a On Brand Content Strategy That Will Attract Clients to Your Med Spa

How important is branding to you? No, really. How important is it? The answer should be incredibly important. Many med spas these days solely rely on their product reps content libraries to source their social media content from. Ultimately this causes issues for their practice on social media because it is overly saturated and not on brand content shared with their audiences.

Let’s discuss why it is important to source your own content and brand your own social content for your med spa on Instagram and Facebook:

Visual Appeal is Everything:

It is crucial to create visually appealing content for your med-spa. Your patients on social want to not only know it is your content by seeing your branded visuals (IE: colors, logo, social media handle @ tag, etc) but they also should be able to decipher your content if reshared on a viral related account or if reshared on any social media account. It really is not practical or helpful to your med-spa to use mass produced content from a content repository that your product rep emailed over to you because it is not going to attract more patients or even make your practice stand out. The goal is for your practice to stand out and one way to do so is by branding your content. 

Your Content Needs to Be Relatable and Relevant: 

Ideally, you want your audience to be able to relate to the services you offer and provide at your med-spa. The goal here is to convert social followers into clientele in the long run. Another way to do so is by coming up with content that is exciting, relatable, and timely. A few great examples of this are when @injectorbunny on Instagram  involves a video series into their feed that educates their patients and followers of the benefits a person can see and feel from various filler treatments such as the one here where she demonstrates just how effective Botox is to eliminate frown lines in the brow area. You want your audience to come back for more and more and a great way to do so is through creating fun video demonstrations using your employees as the actors/actresses!  

Your Audience Wants to Simply Put: See YOU!

This one should be self explanatory to any med spa owner, but you really want your following to see your team and YOU as well! The idea to stand out to your audience is by showing the faces of the hard working team at your practice. You can do so by having a team member host fun video interviews such as the ones @injectorbunny on Instagram does on occasion and or showcase one of your PA’s in your content like @beautyboostmedspa does to stay approachable! 

Are you going to start creating your own branded content and develop a strategic content calendar for your socials that can excite and engage your audience of current and potential patients on social? If you need help with this reach out to us and let’s hop on a discovery call to take your content marketing game to the next level and reel in those target clients you want for your practice! 


Christina Koop

Director of Marketing

Follow along with us on Instagram @jadoremarketing for more relevant marketing advice for your med-spa and fun live interviews with other practitioners as we dive deep into strategies that will have clients attracting to your med-spa like never before!